
March 11, 2015

Having friends you like who are like you is a form of narcissism.

– Laurence J. Peters

                I believe you can have as many best friends as you want. I call mine my crew, there are exactly 9 of us, and we have been a tight-knit group since high school and/or college. But only a few people have the luxury of being my  sista-cuzzy-friend. That honorary title is given to my blood-cousin, soul-sista, and friend till the absolute end, Bethie.  Bethie has been in my life since I was four years old. We would have started our friendship sooner but she wasn’t born yet. We have the ability to finish each other’s sandwiches, jokes and sentences (and we say some off the wall stuff). We also have the ability read each other’s thoughts as well. We have been through a lot together. This includes: Family parties, vacations, being in a hold up at McDonalds and refusing to leave without our jackets and McNuggets, faking her death to play a joke on our parents (a completely unfunny joke now that I look back at it which took several years to earn her parents’ trust back from), and losing a parent to the  stupid cancer monster. Even up to a year ago, she was the sole beneficiary to my mass fortune from being an educator in the event of something terrible happened to me.  I also introduced Bethie to some amazing music, people and unfortunately every bad habit that she does or has done in her life. I’m not proud of that but I am proud to be the one who introduced her to her wonderful husband, Steve.

Bethie has always been a jack of all trades, master of none type of person which made her a blast at parties! She can sing, play music, create art, and write well.  But recently, she has found her calling as a chef. She’s an amazing one as well so I guess she’s beginning master the art of cuisine.

 Her husband got the opportunity to work a few months in Silicon Valley, California with his startup company and Bethie tagged along with him as his supportive wife.  He did the same for her while she took culinary classes in Italy, so why not return the good favor, right? She was just looking for a job to keep her busy.  I wish she just ate brownies all day, watching Maury to find out who the father was, dreaming of coming back to Chicago but instead she found the job of her dreams. She is working for a farm to table type of catering business and she fell in love! After talking to her, I can already read her mind. She LOVES California!  I can tell she’s considering a permanent residence in Northern California although she won’t actually tell me yet. It’s the double-edge sword when being able to read the mind of your sista-cuzzy- friend.

This is a bittersweet feeling I am experiencing! I, of course, want the best for my sista-cuzzy-friend but I want her to have the best here in Chicago!  I know I’m being selfish! She loves the organic, healthy and relaxing nature offered in sunny California. I know Chicago is not known for the incredibly health-conscience food options it offers. We are the home of the deep dish pizza and Italian beef sandwiches for goodness sake. I’m fairly certain the Chicago weather is also not helping with any convincing as well.  What I fear the most about any possible moves is the fact that I will only see my compadre a handful of times a year. That’s just not enough.  She’s more important than pretty much every person I interact with on a daily basis and she is the one I make fun of most of those people to. Having said that, I know she needs this. She’s young and  is a very free spirit! The opportunities she and her husband are being presented with are absolutely astonishing and not going to be there forever. Not many people can pick up and go like my dear Bethie. Bethie, like the little birdie she is, is not meant to be caged.


5 thoughts on “Sista-Cuzzy-Friend

  1. It sucks when someone so vital to your very existence moves out of reach. Technology is a poor second for the real thing, but it helps. Looks like you might have a vacation spot in your future. Spring break would be great in California.

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  2. “Not many people can pick up and go like my dear Bethie. Bethie, like the little birdie she is, is not meant to be caged.” This speaks so much about the kind of person you are, the kind of relationship you have, and so much more. Sista-cuzzy friend? love!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Meggy!! This is SO sweet… way to make a gal feel just wonderful and loved. Beautifully written too (aside from the part where you say you make fun of me most…)

    You are definitely the #1 role model and person of inspiration in my life. There are so many things I love and admire about you and who you are, to name a couple:

    You are the only person I know who owns confidence the way you do. You’re always aware of that fact that you are the most hilarious, interesting and awesome person in a room… even if others in the room aren’t as sure about that. Yet.

    You’re the most photogenic person I know. And you rock bright red lipstick better than Courtney Love at a Hole show.

    You have always made it your business to include me. There’s proof in the family-video-pudding where you won’t let all the girl cousins start practicing a choreographed dance until I was in the frame (of course once I was, I just stood staring blankly at the camera sucking my thumb and twirling my hair, but) you have always looked out for me.

    You’ve been an awesome support system for me with decisions I’ve made and things that have happened in my life. From helping take my mind off my dad’s cancer (and subsequent death) and feeding me wine during a sad break up, to holding my legs firmly upright during my first keg stand while visiting you at Eastern when I came to visit.

    You have always taken care of me. Now, I watch as you take care of that beautiful little girl, little Fi, and amaze me with your patience, natural motherly instincts and unconditional love for her. You have been, are, and always will be my role model. I hope one day to be 1/8 the wonderful, relaxed and loving mommy that I see you are.

    We just got off the phone from a “pretend we’re together drinking wine” phone call. And honestly it felt like we were together, we never skipabeat.

    Even if we weren’t put on this Earth as sistercuzzyfriends, we would have gravitated toward one another somehow, somewhere, because my dear Pony Dog, we are a special kind of soul mates.
    Love you bunches.
    “Are you guys cousins?”
    “No. ………YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
    -you and me during the better part of our twenties after forcing random guys at the bar to ask us if we’re cousins

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